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In a Meeting

Promoting Change

Focus change in four areas

  1. Change within a firm and personal development

    1. ​Part IV of the book focus is control over career.  Additionally Appendix A is focused at  Going Home on Time

    2. Part V of the book focus is directed at driving change within a firm​ specifically with leaders creating "Satisfying Work"

  2. Change coming from a University

    1.  Bring the principles of  Lean Development into an engineering program. (Appendix B)

    2.  An A3  outlines how to approach Appendix B and Book event.

    3. Hold a Book Event, to communicate the challenges women face within an engineering firm and the basic elements of book. (see slides)​

  3. The change that can come from mentoring - parents.

    1. The book as a parenting or mentor guide​.   The book provides parents and non engineering mentors an understanding of the challenges women face within engineering and how to approach those challenges.

    2. Chapter 12 is focused specifically on role models, technical coaches, and mentors.

  4. Change through platforms

    1. SWE Conference​  -  Video Submittal (90 seconds) (SWE National)

      1.  Retaining Women in Engineering;  Leveling the Playing Field 

      2. Bob spoke at the SWE Local Wichita March 15-16, 2024.

    2. Free Webinar recording Lean Product and Process Development Exchange (45 minutes, Sept. 2023)  At​

    3. Linkedin,  I spend a lot of time on Linked In promoting gender and diversity equity.  Consider connecting with me.  Linked In 




 A3 To Enable Change

MD - Engr Precentage - Gender Eq2.jpg

SWE Video Submittal




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