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Lean Development

The Six Principles of Lean Development
used in Retaining Women in Engineering: The Empowerment of Lean Development

  1. Focus on creating reusable knowledge*

  2. Cadence, pull, and flow*

  3. Visual management

  4. Entrepreneur System Designer*

  5. Set-Based-Design (replaces build-test-fix)*   (see document below)

  6. "Build teams of responsible experts"*

(*Allen C. Ward, 2002, after extensive research of Toyota in the 1990's)


These principles have been placed in this order, with reusable knowledge as a foundation, to reflect how they build off of each other and ultimately create teams of responsible experts





LD is 4 times more efficient.

1987 published research, concluded that "Japanese projects were completed in two-thirds the time with one-third the engineering hours of the non-Japanese projects" [**, p. 740]


From that we promote that the Principles of LD are a set of personal productivity tools.


Unlike typical lean efforts that focus on the performance of a business process, such as found in manufacturing, Lean Development focus on the process of "people doing the work."

LD, focuses on people doing the work better and faster.   It focuses on people and teams developing skills and capabilities that ultimately deliver better business results.


The A3 Problem Solving Process

It is a process to create reusable knowledge. 

It is a central tool to enable change.

The process is managed via 11 x 17 inch piece of paper (A3), single side.

An example sheet is available on the Promote Change page.

See example template.  



** K. B. Clark, T. Fujimoto, and W. B. Chew, "Product Development in the World Auto Industry", Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 1987

A3 Template

Set Based Design vs Build Test Fix

Lean Reimagined

©Robert N. Stavig (Lean Reimagined is a Trademark) 


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